
USC Programming Contest: 6th Place!

This past Saturday, I participated in the USC Programming Contest. As you can see here, they used my code as one of the sample solutions. More importantly, as you can see here, I slipped in just two minutes shy of 5th place! I would have gotten to choose a video game as a prize, but since I had to leave early to volunteer at the GLAAD awards, I had someone grab one for me. I realize now that since my taste in video games differs so much from most people's, I probably could have just asked the contest organizers to give me whatever was left, and it would have been something I really liked. Instead, I ended up with an FPS from the Medal of Honor series, which Andy assures me is badly designed, badly coded, and generally just not a good series of games. So I'll probably sell it. It's more about the glory anyway.

In any case, I'm pretty excited, and the GLAAD awards were fun too. We got to watch the show for a few minutes, including seeing Kathy Griffin win for best reality show. The GLAAD people were so grateful for our help, they let us take gift bags with all kinds of swag in them. One paper, one programming project, and three big dance performances away from the end of classes! Then finals, then commencement (playing, not graduating), and then Brazil!


  1. Congratulations! Your code looks clean. What other video games did they have?

    I couldn't make it to the Contest this time, but hopefully in the Fall, if I'm not volunteering to help organize it.

    I was also honored when they used my code as a sample solution for the spring07 contest. I placed 7th that time, so you beat me :) ... or maybe the competition was tougher ;)

  2. I don't know what else they had because I had to leave a couple minutes early and let someone else pick up a prize for me. But the sponsor was EA games so they would have all been some kind of EA product. Not that that narrows it down much.
